At level 5 you'll be able to upcast Shadow Blade (a spell she should learn) to level 3 making it 3d8 instead of 2d8. Many will tell you extra attack isn't worthwhile on a Rogue, but it is a second bite at the sneak attack apple, potential extra Hex damage, and the option to hit another enemy and freely disengage as a Swashbuckler, so something worth having in your repertoire even if only used occasionally. If I were her I would (eventually) take 5 in Warlock to take advantage of various pact weapon upgrade invocations, including an extra attack and or Eldritch Smite. With a free disengaging melee Rogue it is easily the best cantrip in the game, as it both stacks with sneak attack and gives them extra thunder damage if they then try to follow you. At fourth level Warlock she learns a cantrip, so if she doesn't know Booming Blade yet that will be the time.