If this is a story about Malèna, it could be something great. Rumors of affairs with married men lead to a court trial. In the town, the men are obsessed and the women are jealous.

He starts spying on her and having erotic dreams about her. They are obsessed with Nino's new wife Malèna Scordia (Monica Bellucci). He gets a new bike and joins a group of local boy. Mussolini has just declared war on France and Britain. Reviewed by SnoopyStyle 6 / 10 beautiful Monica Now THAT'S something I don't remember reading in Dr. To cure his chronic masturbation and wearing the lady's stolen underwear on his head while he slept, his father took him to a prostitute. Oh, and if you want good parenting advice, just look to the boy's father. This and the peoples' reaction to this after the war was really fascinating but unfortunately so much time was spent on this horny kid that the significance of the rest of the film was lost. Then, when she was apparently widowed and broke with no one to help her, she slept with the Nazi occupiers to survive. The film was at its best when it showed human nature, as the townspeople gossiped about and mistreated a decent lady just because she was so beautiful. Now they didn't show masturbation explicitly, but the little goomer was clearly playing with himself again and again with great gusto! In hindsight, I would have dropped all the sexual hangups the kid had because it tended to deflect the focus in the film. The townspeople turned out to be quite vile and the leading character seemed to have some serious sexual hangups (such as voyeurism and fetishism)-plus he spent so much time masturbating. While WWII isn't exactly a "charming" period, the likability of ANYONE in the film was a problem. The problem is that while the film began well, it seems to have lost its focus and charm. In some ways it reminds me of a combination of AMARCORD and THE SUMMER OF '42-as at least in the beginning, the film focused on ordinary small town folk during the war (like in AMARCORD) and a bunch of very horny boys (like SUMMER OF '42). This is an Italian coming of age film about a young man who was entering his teen years when WWII began. Reviewed by MartinHafer 4 / 10 A real mixed bag.a lot of good and a lot of bad